Atelier Za’atar is a duo of design and mediation with a focus on sensitive experiences of landscapes and plants. This practice is nourished by a phenomenological approach, observant, curious and contextual.
Our work together allows us to combine complementary views on landscapes:
Anna Lena is doing a PhD on post-industrial ecologies and is particularly interested in naturalistic planting design.
Titiane practices and transmits skills related to the harvest and use of wild edible and medicinal plants. She is the author of a practical guide to gathering and cooking wild plants published in the “Résiliences” collection of Éditions Ulmer.
Established in 2019, Atelier Za’atar works with groups of all ages, often in cultural, artistic and educational settings. In 2022, we created a travelling photography exhibition entitled “MI-LIEUX: translations of the landscapes of the Aubrac”. In 2023, we participated in an artist residency in Dunkirk entitled “Jachères” exploring the spontaneous vegetation of industrial wastelands and consequently curated a critical field study in Dunkerque for the international Landscape Research Group.